I went to the same local store that I have been visiting and asked the owner if he would like to inform my readers about anything concerning vaping. Here is what he said:
"Depending on who you talk to, there are many important things you need to know about vaping. The first thing I like to talk about with my customers would be the miligrams of nicotine they should start out using. This varies depending on how often you smoke cigarettes.
Someone who smokes a pack or more a day probably needs to start out at 18 miligrams. This will give them the same amount of nicotine if not just a little more so that they aren't craving that cigarette.
For someone who smokes less than a pack you probably want to start at 12 miligrams. That's where I start most of my customers. The goal is to gradually decrease the miligrams you need til you hit 0 miligrams. Then it's just about dropping the habit of wanting to smoke something, rather it be socially or just from doing it for so long."
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